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A Biblical Fig Tree and the Roots of Bareness in Life

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Tiphani Montgomery is a Christian prophet and teacher who leads Covered by God, where she provides a message that combines Ministry and Marketplace. Tiphani Montgomery counsels on foundational issues related to bareness in one's finances, belly, marriage, or late marriage, which she describes as fruits of a deep-rooted tree.

In focusing on the roots, as she puts it, the "fruits" wither away, leaving only the core issues that need to be addressed. She relates this to the Biblical story of Jesus being hungry when entering Jerusalem and coming across a fig tree with no fruit, despite displaying the foliage of an early blooming tree that should bear figs. Christ cursed the tree, and it immediately withered at the roots, never to bear fruit again.

The parable emphasizes the importance of what is hidden at the foundation and the disconnection between what the eye sees and the real situation. While the tree may appear healthy and nourishing, it lacks something essential, a fruit nourished from the roots.

Without strong rooted faith and the positive and self-nourishing habits that go along with that, flowers will not bloom, and the fruit will never grow. These roots describe the essentials of moral behavior that lay the foundation for lifetime achievement and success. At the same time, Ms. Montgomery recommends taking an axe to those areas of the ground where God is "not rooted," excising bad habits.